Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are there any reasonable and logical atheists on this website at this time?

I ask that because there is a certain population on earth that claim that they talk to God and hear Him when He speaks to them. They are god fairing people who do what is good in the sight of men and in the sight of God. They live a life of love and forgiveness. Yet, there is another population that states that there is no God. Atheists, just because God does not speak to you or answer you when you call, doesn't prove that God does not exist. You do understand that right? If God is answering prayers of others and moving on their behalf then the burden of proof is on you that He does not exist. You do understand that right? Saying that God has never revealed Himself to you doesn't mean He hasn't revealed Himself to others and saying because He hasn't revealed Himself to you is subjective. It is your experience and your opinion and those are far from facts.

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